Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 -Big Paper Outline 1

My Thesis:
The digital age has caused us expose our inner souls and show that we are exchanging our humanity for knowledge.

Argument 1: We are becoming less social and more digital, we are loosing our grasp on reality (use FEED)
Argument 2: We are learning more and becoming more in-touch with world events (infinite source of knowledge at our fingertips)
Argument 3: We are using the computer to become smarter but we are loosing our ability to talk to another person, we are becoming one with the internet.

Evidence 1: Feed
  • Knowing everything but everyone is the same and does what they are told, are all under control of the feed
Evidence 2: Brave New World
  • Conditioning and how they only believe what they are told to believe and change is scary and can lead people to do stupid things.
Evidence 3: Wall-E
  • People are absorbed by the technology around them and because of that they aren't really humans anymore, just robots with feelings
Evidence 4: Various Class Notes
  • Peoples quotes, examples of overdoses of internet and how it is becoming overwhelming and has the power to make us do what we want
Additional notes/questions:
  • What is the difference between humans and robots?
  • Is it possible to resist the "Feed?"
  • Is change a good thing or a bad thing?
  • Why is this topic so heavily debated?


  1. To Sam J,

    Hey Sam! Your outline is amazing. I really dont think you have to change anything. Everything are so organized and well said. Your thesis is so strong, makes me want to steal your idea or ask you for help. I like how you said "digital age has changed our society and caused is to change" that was my main point of my essay.

    You have strong evidence to back down your argument. You provide questions, that shows me that you are set for this final essay. You are ahead of the game. One quick thing if you dont have this on mind, I think you should also connect how technology affect your life. Overall, I think you are set to go. Cant wait to read your final paper. Nice JOb.

  2. Sam, I think that you have a very strong and controversial thesis. I agree a lot with what you are saying in your thesis and I think that you have some strong evidence to support it. You also seem to have everything that your writing organized and well suppoted by strong evidence. Furthermore I think that you could find some really good quotes using the sources you mentioned in your out line.
    Overall great outline. Strong thesis, well constructed arguements; I think that your going to write an amazing paper.
