Monday, November 2, 2009

Hw 17-Blog comments

I really like the point you are trying to prove here because people really are becoming more social people and you can't just try to avoid it. Because you need to fit in and be apart of social networking. But by doing that you loose who you are as a person. You loose all self identity in the idea to be what everyone wants you to be. What i disagree with is that privacy is something people knowingly and willingly give up. You should focus on why people would do something like that and how that type of thing is encouraged and why. What type of privacy is necessary and what type is still accesable if any is still avaible to the public without a cost. So what is the cost will?

I thought your thesis has great potential but is way to broad, technology itself is such a broad topic, i think you should focus much more on one topic and then argue that, like what will did with facebook and privacy and how we are loosing our privacy. Or maybe how video games affect us in a certain way and what that represents to you. What does technology represent to you? Something is important. But you really need to focus on something, you have some info is here and you really need to focus that in on something specific

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