Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 55

My question was: How does the number/type of friends someone has effect their success? Or as a more in depth question: What effect do friends have on personal decisions?
Blog Comments:
Esther, I think its a really good start. It focuses on what other people think about helping others. But i think you should establish your own opinion before you work on someone elses. I think John has the idea here. He suggests your question include your opinion too. I think you should try Why do people help others, and what arguments have people made to justify that? Just suggestions, not really a good question on my part, but i think it could be used to turn into something good. But good start so far. Sam

I think you have a really strong start here. I think this is a really important issue that people face with inter friend drama. I think that this would make a really cool paper and i look forward to reading it. I think that your question would get some rather weird search results on the internet. I think that if you focus on the either building, or the decomposition of friendships then you will be in better shape so you have something to focus on instead of a broader topic. It seems like you have strong backbone here though and i hope my comment helps

  • "Teen Peer Pressure : Statistics and Facts." Family First Aid 1.1 (2004): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .
This source is about how teens are effected by alcohol and drugs and how it is very overwhelming to students. It shows that 50% of students feel pressured to have sex regardless of their age and that 30% are offered alcohol or drugs. I think that this can really affect how successful or independent a person is and how the choices the people around them are making can actually effect them.

  • David, Nlvea. "Peer Pressure and Teens." International Adoption Articles Directory 1.1 (2007): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .
For this article talks about how the reason we give in to peer pressure is because we have a need to feel accepted and respected by the people around us. It says that we don't always have the self confidence to turn down peer pressure because we need these people to validate us and show us that we are like or the same as them and they accept us as one of their own. And if they don't then we need to change so they do and they can.
  • Took, Kevin. "Dealing With Peer Pressure." Kids Health 1.1 (2007): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .
This article discusses that there are two kinds of peer pressure and that they can be both bad and good. Peer pressure can help you remember things like the solar planet song because your friends told you it helped you remember them easier. Or it can be bad things like, all your friends are cutting math class, so you should too. These types of things are what define you as an individual and can really make or break you when you try to move on from your friends and become an individual. If you can by the time you are done with school. Peer pressure can be addicting and hold you back from success, whatever that can be defined as.
  • Manohar, Uttara. "Facts about Peer Pressure." Buzzle.com1.1 (2008): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .
In this final article, the author writes about how peer pressure is bad and makes you do bad things, but the reason i liked this article was for the final post. "Peer pressure can be overcome with some help from you friends, family and your own determination to retain your individuality." I like the end where the author says that your own determination to retain your individuality. I think that shows how peer pressured the author was. She wrote an article saying how bad peer pressure can be and then finished it by saying that we need to be strong as individuals. The fact that peer pressure exists at all is because we are going to be affected by it no matter what. The result isn't just to give in and roll over, but its not to completely shield yourself from it either. There is happy medium. You need to be able to roll with the punches and learn from it because its only going to help you learn if you can keep your identity and be able to build it up at the same time. I think that would help more then trying to avoid it altogether.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, your two questions seem to have great potential for coming together and making a very interesting and informative study. However I think that to find a clear and insightfull answer you should think about making your question as clear and focused as possible. For example, what kind of relationships, what sorts of action's do friends take in effecting these relationships. Also as far as the amount of friends someone has I think that some things to think about are; if one has more friends does that open up the door for bad influnces? If, yes is that inspired by a feeling of cockiness among the person with all of those friends and if no is there some kind of necessary isolation at times and is there truly too much of a good thing.
