Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

  • How does school's views on everything change or corrupt our views on everything?
  • What kind of impact does home schooling have on a child versus public or private school?
  • Is the School system corrupt? Is there such a thing as an unbiased point of view?
  • School isn't completely socialist, i thought that was pretty interesting
  • We are here for multiple reasons, because legally we have to be and because if we weren't at school we would be at home watching TV or playing video games, but that gets boring after a while and honestly, going to school usually means seeing friends, so its nice to go and see them.
  • The people we are subject to everyday are the ones who impact us the most, and we spend more time in school then with our families a lot of the time, so the people who aren't even related to us are the people who play some of the biggest roles in our day to day lives.
  • I come in everyday and sit down and pretend to care about what is going on when in reality, the majority of what i will learn wont help me in any job i get, it will just help me get there but become completely useless when i get there
  • I've been both sides of the "cool" coin, i have been picked on and i have picked on people. Both of these relate back to who i know and who i was friends with. If i didn't go to this school then most likely everything would be different. But i think that being able to see both sides of everything is pretty important
  • School has stopped becoming interesting and has started becoming a chore which is teaching me what the rest of my job life will become, i hope it doesn't but i don't really know anymore how possible all my dreams may be.
One Aspect Of School
School has its ups and downs of course. I wake up the same time everyday, go through the same morning routine, walk the same route, take the same trains and report to the same advisory every morning. It becomes almost robotic the daily actions that i take to get to a place that i hate to quite an extent. But if i didn't go, my social skills would be nonexistent. I wouldn't have any friends and not really many memorable moments to my life.
As much as everyone may hate school for the amount of work it may make us do, or the stress of having to wake up early to get there on time. Or just sitting in class for hours on end having someone make us do work. But thats what life is, which sucks, but it pretty true. The good thing is that is teaches you more then useless information about calculus. It teaches how to cope and work with the hand that we are dealt in life. We have to make the best of it and make it work for us. So if that means making new friends or learning how to take an insult, so be it. It all makes stronger because as many times as it may beat us down we still have to get back up and keep on going. That is what makes stronger. All that i am saying is total and complete bullshit, but it what i was taught by my school to do. I give the answer that makes sense regardless of how cliche it may be. I should be writing the answers that you want to hear, but that is just too conformist for me, and of all the things that i have been taught, i think that going with the flow completely is just kind of a waste of time. Take that as you may, i think you get the point

1 comment:

  1. The essay played sort of coy - refusing to simplify or clarify actual feelings, and instead creating a complicated "unreliable narrator" sort of thing. I think it would have been more fun if you'd expanded that - added in some other contradictory perspectives that you actually experience in your reactions to school.

    Related and useful but also sort of cartoony quote from Emerson below -
    (A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — 'Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.' — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. - Emerson)
